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The Complete Guide to Spa Etiquette

Ahhh the eternal questions of the beauty treatment arena. Do you wear underwear during a Brazilian wax? Are therapists offended if you fall asleep during a massage? Do you have to warn your beautician...

10 steps to better health

We all know THOSE types. The ones who never get the cold going around the office, the ones that eat a bacon and egg burger every morning and don't gain a centimetre and the...

It’s official – women need more sleep than men

If you’re one of those women who hits the snooze button while your boyfriend or husband is already up and at ‘em, here’s some validation for you. Science now says that women actually need...

Fancy a sleep vacation? Here are 4 modern ways to catch some Zs

Recent statistics published by the Sleep Health Foundation suggest more than 1.5 million Australian adults struggle with sleep disorders, with a staggering one in three people regularly struggling to obtain enough sleep. As a result,...

First date? The do’s and definite don’t’s

Ah, the first date. Trying to impress without coming on too strong, trying to compliment without being creepy, trying to just not be awkward... it’s a tough world out there. Dating presents a quagmire...

Our ultimate staycation guide – Part 3

Part 3 of our Ultimate Staycation Guide takes us to Provence, one of the most beautiful regions in France. Located at the foothills of the Alps it offers exceptional natural beauty (which is probably...
Travel has started again!

5 essentials to make your plane trip stylish and sustainable

After what feels like decades of COVID lockdowns and restrictions, travel is now on the horizon (literally). Yay! With more countries opening their borders and the prospect of taking (dare we even say it) a...

What is Tech Neck and how do you avoid it?

If you're reading this article on a laptop, phone or tablet, take a second to consider the position in which you are seated. Is your head tilted forward, back arched or shoulders tight? Then it's likely...
The changing face of Barbie

The changing face of Barbie

From big hair, pouting lips and more than 150 careers under her belt, Barbie’s evolution has marked the social trends from 1959 until today, and now she is a star of the big screen! Over...
International Dog's Day, 26 August

How to Feed Your Pet, Not Your Vet on International Dogs’ Day

International Dogs' Day on August 26 has to be everyone’s favourite day of the year. Even better than Christmas. Well, for those of us who are obsessed canine carers, anyway. And of course, what...